Liposuction or liposculpture is surgical removal of unwanted fat from body using various kinds of surgical techniques. Liposuction is presently the most common surgical procedure done. Some people even with good overall health and ideal body weight have localized fat deposit especially around abdomen/tummy, thigh, hips, back and buttocks. These fat deposits are stubborn and are resistant to diet and exercise, mostly they are due to inherited genes.
It involves the removal of fat through tiny incisions given in the hidden areas of body through which the cannulas are inserted and fat is removed with vacuum and suction.
1. Tumescent/Suction Assisted liposuction
It is the most common way of liposuction. In this, a solution is injected in the body, the solution is medicated which includes numbing injection and medicines to reduce blood loss in order to decrease pain and bleeding. Different liposuction techniques are available that can be individualised according to the area to be treated and amount of fat to be removed and skin quality.
2. WAL/Water jet assisted liposuction
The body water jet is gentle fat extraction technique mostly used when fat is to be used for autologous fat transfer. In this procedure, under high pressure fluid is injected and fat is harvested simultaneously.
3. PAL/power assisted liposuction
PAL uses cannulas which rapidly move in back and forth motion. The vibration produced helps in removal of densely collected fat especially in case of gynecomastia and calves.
4. VASER liposuction
VASER uses the ultrasonic energy to break/lipolyze fat then with the help of suction machines the lipolyzed fat is removed.
Depends on the amount of fat deposits and number of areas being treated. Multiple body areas can be treated in one session.
Pressure garment is put on immediately after the surgery that helps in reducing the post-op swelling and skin draping. Patients are encouraged to walk on the same day. Patients usually return to their normal routine next day and can join work as soon as they feel comfortable.
Skin bruising, numbness and loose skin will be present immediately after the surgery. It resolves usually within a few days to few weeks. Otherwise liposuction is a common effective treatment that is considered safe.
• Improved profile and increased self confidence.
• The results are permanent.
• Patient will be able to fit in the clothes, not previously fitting in.
*Opinions/ Results may vary from person to person.
*Opinions/ Results may vary from person to person.
(Center of Excellence in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery)
Rajasthan 302018
Contact : +91 9116630655