Hair growth therapy we use at our practice is a proven and effective way for early hair loss in men to prevent miniaturization and subsequent baldness; as well as in females who are suffering from hair loss.
In hair growth therapy we are using special vitamins (patent in the hair growth) for six months which gives the cyclic stimulation for hair growth (available only with the doctor). Along with that meso solutions are used that are proven in efficacy for hair growth. During the hair growth therapy session that will take around 45 minutes, about 30 ml of your blood is taken in specialized ACD biotin gel containing vials under all aseptic precautions. The blood is double centrifuged and platelet rich growth factors are extracted from your blood. It is then injected through small 30 gauze needles after numbing the scalp. We also combine microneedling of the scalp to enhance penetration and to give better results.
Mild bruising, redness, swelling is expected after the procedure but there is no restriction in daily routine activity. You can take head wash the very next day after therapy.
We use an anesthetic agent to numb the scalp initially using a very fine 30 gauze needle. So, there will be no pain.
(Center of Excellence in Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery)
Rajasthan 302018
Contact : +91 9116630655